This is the official website of Berekum East Municipal Assembly

Berekum East Municipal Assembly

Business Operating Permit

Business Operating Permit

It is expected that every business within the Berekum East Municipal Assembly’s jurisdiction obtain a Business Operation Permit from the Assembly in order to operate.

Business operating permit is a license that enables you to undertake legal business activities in the in the Municipality.

The Assembly has put in the following measures in place for the process of acquiring a business Operating Permit for your business,

Checklist For Processing A Business Operating Permit

  • Produce Registrar General Business Certificate/Certificate Of Incorporation if any
  • Name of Business
  • Name of Business Owner
  • Business Location (GPS location)/Address
  • Contact Detail.
  • Type or nature of business
  • Principal activities
  • Completed application form

Temporary Permit

  • An applicant may wait for a few days for administrative processes to take effect after which an applicant will be contacted to pick up the certificate if all requirements are met.

NB: The Administrative processes include the following

  • During this period, the Assembly does its due diligence, background checks and processing in order to generate a Permanent permit for the Applicant.
  • A negative outcome may cause a decline of your permit
  • Ensure you pay the right amount and remember to grab your official receipt from the Revenue Office after payment or from an officer who receives payment for your BOP.

Find the cost of Business operating permit from the current fee fixing resolution. (visit the document center for Approved Fees)