Development & Building Permit
Development and Building permitting is the main instrument
for controlling or managing physical development. Development permit in this
context refers to permits issued in relation to planning and building
applications. Effective development management promotes orderliness,
convenience of movement, public safety and enhanced economic development.
Development Permit deals with the correct use of land, the
appearance of the proposed building and the effect that the development will
have on the general environment and neighbouring properties.
A development permit is a written permission authorizing a
person to carry out development in accordance with conditions specified in the
permit. Such development permit shall give due considerations to matters
relating to zoning, planning standards and structural conditions of the
proposed development.
A Building Permit allows construction of buildings or
structure to proceed on condition of compliance to building code.
A Building Permit deals with the manner in which a building
is constructed, eg its structural stability, fire resistance, weather
resistance, etc.
Activities that require Development and Building permit
Erection of any building or structure except those exempted
by law
Making Structural Alteration and or Transformation
(Renovation) To A Building
Hoarding of property
Planning Permission-In-Principle
Change Of Use/Rezoning
Sub-division or Amalgamation of plot
Extension of Time
Certificate Of Completion For Habitation
Temporary Structure Permit
Regularization of Existing Structures
Extension of Existing Building
Demolition Permit
Statutory requirements for a Development/Building permit
- Submit
your full set of application to the Physical Planning Department
- Attach
completed land ownership document from Lands Commission
- Attach
four copies of architectural drawings signed by a certified Architect
- Attach
four copies of structural drawings signed by an Engineer
- Proposed
development must conform to zoning status
- A
certified soil test report
- Fire
certified report including drawings from the Ghana National Fire Service
- Environmental
Protection Agency Permit
- Structural
integrity report in case construction development has already commenced or
is completed
In addition to the statutory requirements above, in BEMA
the following requirements also apply;
- Business
Registration Certificate (for organizations).
- Business
Operating Permit (for organizations).
- Up to
date Property Rate payment (Existing Buildings)
For Organisations: A developer may be
asked to provide additional information depending on usage, size, etc.
For Existing Buildings: Some
Development Projects require a prior application for “Planning Permission –in-
Principle” before application for a substantive Development /Building permit.
Requirements Checklist
- Building
Permit Application Form -one(1) copy
- Title
Search one(1) copy
- Indenture
or Deed of assignment or Land Title Certificate one(1) Copy
- Architectural
Drawing four(4) copies
- Structural
Drawings four(4) copies)
- Structural
Calculation Repor four(4) copies)
- Fire
Report three(3) copies
- Mechanical
or Services Drawing four(4) copies
- Geotechnical
Report Structural Integrity Report three (3) copies
- Environmental
Permit one(1) copy
- Traffic
Impact Assessment (T.I.A) (three (3) bound copies)
- Hydrological
Services Report (if requested) (three (3) bound copies)
- Property
Apart from the cost of the Permit Application Form and
Processing Fees, all other costs are arrived after going through each process
based on the fee fixing resolution of the Assembly for that year.
The Fee fixing Resolution for each year is published on the
Assembly’s Website.